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Stable Choice  Professional Development

Unforgettable Learning for Team and Leadership Solutions

Leadership Development & Team Building with a difference . . .

Our programs develop leadership skills that are necessary for enhancing the effectiveness of teamwork required to achieve company goals. We work with our clients to design programs that address their specific personal, team, and company goals.

What makes our programs different?

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We work with horses as our teachers! Horses are the ultimate addition to a team. As prey animals, they have incredibly astute senses and are highly sensitive to the energy, intention, actions, and body language of humans. They serve as a barometer for non-verbal communication, helping people recognize how their non-verbal cues may be affecting their relationships with others.
Horses don't judge anyone by appearance or have preconceived ideas about who people are. They do, however, pick up on incongruence between actions and intentions. People pick up on this too - however, it is hard to tell your boss that something doesn't make sense or feel quite right. Horses have no agenda and know nothing about office politics. They highlight inconsistency instantly and honestly.

They work solely on how it feels - they can't function any other way.

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Quite simply - horses make the invisible visible

How does it work?

Participants are assigned to teams of up to four, with one horse. Together, through positive interaction and teamwork, they tackle various tasks to achieve specific objectives. Through these group-based activities with our horses, participants build greater awareness of themselves and their colleagues.


They improve communication and leadership skills, focus, and motivation. Further developing emotional intelligence, self-confidence, and self-awareness which lays the foundation for truly authentic leadership.


In order to work through the tasks successfully with their horse, team members learn to adjust their intentions and behaviors. The cause and effect are obvious and immediate, and parallels drawn to everyday situations have profound and lasting benefits for positive change.


Our Certified Facilitator guides participants in interpreting their horse's responses to individual and team interactions. They assist in examining how these responses apply to an individual's leadership style and team dynamics when paralleled back to the office environment. To close the loop, as soon as the participants adjust their behavior in relation to their horse and human teammates, the team moves forward.

if we are willing to take on the leadership lessons of a horse, they prove to be a leveler that no human can match

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Our programs

Leadership Development

What differentiates a great leader from a good one?


Taking leadership to the next level means not only making the individual leader aware of their unconscious behaviors and biases and the impact these have on the people around them, but how to use this self-awareness to nurture what is working and change what is not.



Our leadership programs give participants at all levels a unique opportunity to understand and develop their own leadership styles. Horses require clear, authentic leadership. We work alongside participants with our horses to elevate their leadership skills allowing them to build confidence and inspire their teams. We work with leaders at all levels including:


  • Senior Leadership Teams

  • Emerging Leaders

  • Women in the Workplace

Team Building

Team building with a purpose!



Whether you want to reconnect face-to-face now that people are returning to the building, plan for your next project or quarter, or achieve greater communication between your team members, our Team Building with Horses provides a unique opportunity to do just that and more.



We tailor an experience to meet your objectives as a half or

full-day package. Combine this unique experience with spending time outdoors in a stunning location not far from downtown Lakeland, and you have all the ingredients for a meaningful and memorable day.

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